

包容性卓越需要行动!  的 STEM-IEC advocates for changes in institutional policies and processes in support of inclusive excellence. 我们的目标是我们的社区 applies an institutional change lens and explores how Whiteness and patriarchy influence 我们运作的方式. 迄今为止,我们取得的一些成功包括:

NHS DEI专业学习日

STEM-IEC与 的 自然与健康科学学院 and 的 NHS公平和包容委员会 发展和促进就职典礼 NHS DEI专业学习日. Attended by over 100 faculty, staff, graduate students, 的 day included opening remarks and an introduction to Emerging as an HSI delivered by Dr. 托拜厄斯古斯曼, Vice President of 的 Division of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, a Keynote Address by Dr. 塞德里克霍华德 Vice President for 学生事务及入学事务处, workshops providing opportunities to engage with topics ranging from supporting first-generation student, to inclusive classroom interactions, active learning for inclusion, supporting 学生要相信自己的成功.

格兰特提交: STEM教育公平计划 (STEP)博士后奖学金(NSF 23-545) 
的 changing demographics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) demand a better understanding of how privilege and power lead to marginalization in STEM 空间. 在这种情况下, 我们提出了 STEM Education Equity Program (STEP) for postdoctoral scholars, a development program for STEM education postdoctoral scholars that integrates diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging (DEIB) work and values into 的 development of future STEM教育学者. STEP centralizes an equity-minded mental model and a multi-tiered mentorship model with a personalized professional development plan to support 的 scholars as 的y develop and implement an independent DEIB STEM research agenda and career.
April 2023, PI 苏珊·基南, Co-PIs Jodie Novak, Chelsie幕, Harmony Newman. 预算, 125万美元(最初于2022年3月提交).

Beginning in 2018, 的 PIs on 的 HHMI grant engaged 的 NHS 领导 team in a series on workshops exploring 的 role of equity and inclusion in 的ir work. In 2021, this work became embedded in 的 culture of 的 领导 Team through DEI readings and discussions at bimonthly leadership team meetings. STEM-IEC最初提供了便利 的se opportunities for engagement, now we work closely with Associate Dean, Kim 浏览阅读资料和讨论点. 该集团目前正在从事 从公平步行到公平谈话 by Estela Mara Bensimon, Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux and Tia Brown McNair.

Understanding how implicit bias impacts 的 hiring process is an essential step towards 教员招聘的公平性.  In 2021, 的 STEM-IEC worked with 的 College of Natural and Health Sciences to develop and implement Implicit Bias training for all members 教职工搜索委员会.  的 小时的研讨会 which is now offered annually, addresses bias in 的 position announcement, language, 申请流程和筛选.


We successfully advocated for 的 inclusion of equity and diversity questions in all vacancy announcements for faculty searches in 的 自然与健康科学学院.  A small step, but an important alignment with our College's values and goals!  学术 departments can decide how to address this requirement. 


城市教育中心 (CUE) shared 的ir 教师招聘工具包 with us as part of our train-的-trainer 研讨会系列.  Having a more diverse faculty and staff is an important step towards 包容的校园:

  • 作品简介: Includes background data and a list of five competencies of equity-minded practitioners
  • 第1部分: 关注股票的招聘公告
  • 第2部分: Interrogating bias by conceptualizing merit, fit, compliance
  • 第3部分: Strategies for disrupting inequitable hiring practices
  • 第4部分: Addressing faculty retention through equitable campus culture
  • 额外的资源: Includes a discussion related to part time faculty hiring, answers to FAQs and list 接下来的步骤.

参考:  城市教育中心. (2017).  Institute on Equity in Faculty hiring at Community 大学工具包.  Los Angeles, CA: rosier School of Education, University of Sou的rn 加州

Preparing for Inclusive Teaching Workshop Series 

STEM-IEC与 CETL 使教员参与 研讨会系列 to encourage 的m to embrace inclusive 教学实践s. 教师得到支持 to begin 的 personal work of exploring how 的ir identities impact 的ir teaching practices and to (re)consider syllabus design and teaching through an inclusive lens. 的 goal of 的 series was to provide faculty with practical tools and a plan for continuing 的ir personal work in equity and inclusion and sustaining an inclusive 教学实践. STEM-IEC folks facilitated workshops throughout 的 2021-2022 academic 一年. 请查看 CETL网络研讨会图书馆 查看研讨会的录音.

(Re)considering 的 Syllabus Workshop and Toolkit

We know that 的 syllabus provides students with a first impression of us as educators 以及我们的课程.  In 的 IETSW program, we focused on engaging faculty in (re)considering 他们的教学大纲是公平的工具. We thought exploring 的 syllabus through an equity-minded 镜头是一个重要的工具,CETL同意.  IETSW促进者(包括 卡西Bergstrom, 苏珊·基南, Chelsie幕, 辛迪Shellito) have facilitated 的 one hour workshop throughout 的 一年 since 2019. 看看 的 CETL网络研讨会图书馆 查看研讨会的录音.

CETL开发了 工具包 and below are some additional resources that can help faculty rethink 的ir syllabus 作为一种支持学生和他们成功的方式.