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Syllabus Toolkit

的 syllabus is often the first point of contact that our students have with you and 你的课程. It sets the tone for the course regarding how a student views the classroom 气候. 的 syllabus is an important tool in communicating course learning outcomes to students and outlining the course requirements and schedule. It should be an invitation into a positive learning experience.

CETL encourages equity-minded syllabus design. An equity-minded syllabus helps students have a positive experience in the course from day one. An equity-minded syllabus promotes student motivation and academic success. 

Designing a Syllabus

A syllabus is most effective when it welcomes students to class, affirms students’ ability to master course content, indicates the instructor’s support for student success, and demystifies the course for students. 的 language of the syllabus should be encouraging and welcoming instead of punishing and unwelcoming. 的 Developing an Effective Syllabus Guide provides an overview of syllabus components, links you to additional resources and examples, and provides examples of language use for creating a welcoming syllabus.

Ensuring an Equity-Minded Syllabus

In traditional syllabi that focus on rules and course expectations, instructors outline basic course requirements. However, with well-crafted syllabi, faculty design learning experiences that positively shape and alter how students perceive their instructors and seek assistance for academic challenges. 的 language, content, and style of the syllabus are important. 的 guide above discusses these in depth.

UNC's BIO 110 Case Study

Faculty in UNC's biology program have been working on creating equitable learning environments for their students. 比较博士. 姜费雪的 traditional BIO 110 syllabus 有了更新的 equity-minded syllabus

Equity-Minded Syllabus Resources